Cumbria Butterfly and Day-Flying Moth Sightings: Batrachedra praeangusta

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Sightings Display Frequency Map View Help

The frequency map view displays the sightings data on a map where the location of each sighting is highlighted according to the corresponding number of butterflies reported over the selected time period. A higher number of sightings within a particular proximity contributes more to the concentation of colours for that region.

The current region displayed by the map can be changed by dragging the display map in different directions. The size of the region displayed can be modified by clicking the plus and minus zoom buttons in the top left of the map. In addition, the zoom level of the map can be increased by left clicking with the mouse on an area of the map that is free of markers and the zoom level of the map can be decreased by right clicking. The map can be switched between normal and satellite display modes by clicking the buttons in the top right of the map.

The current display area of the map can be automatically fitted to the active sightings data by clicking the Fit button on the map. In addition, the map can be restored to its default settings by clicking the Reset button on the map.

Other views for displaying sightings data can be selected by choosing a value from the View drop-down menu and clicking the Update button.

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