Dark Green Fritillary


This striking butterfly is quite widespread in Cumbria although it is most commonly found in the south of the county and around the coast. Although it is widely found in the woodlands of south Cumbria, it is primarily a grassland species and does especially well on coastal grassland sites.

Where to look

Good coastal sites are Drigg Dunes, SD050985: South Walney, SD214622 and Sandscale Haws, SD197755. It can also be seen in the woodlands of south Cumbria, for example at Howe Ridding CWT Reserve, SD435876 and almost anywhere on the limestone grasslands centred on Whitbarrow Scar. Inland this butterfly is also common at Yewbarrow, SD435853: Hutton Roof, SD565777: Barkbooth Lot, SD416907 and Arnside Knott, SD457774.

Record distribution and images.

When to look

This butterfly flies from mid-June to mid-August.

Recorded flight times. Cumulative records. Annual frequency.